Brandywine student uses flexible degree to pursue creative passion


亚撒利雅谢尔顿, 谁主修文学, 艺术, 与科学, is completing a 300-hour internship with a freelance photographer. 

来源:Mike McDade

媒体,爸爸. — For a 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 senior who embraces creativity, the 文学、艺术和科学学位 allowed her to craft an individualized path of study built upon her passion for art and photography.

亚撒利雅谢尔顿, 12月就要毕业了, is completing a 300-hour internship with freelance photographer Bernard Campbell.

“我是个艺术家,”谢尔顿说. “I like to paint, I like to do makeup, and I like photography. I thought, why not get more hands on with photography since I do the other two more often.

“And then once I got the hang of it, I really fell in love with it. Telling a story through photos is really interesting.”

实习期间, Shelton has learned technical aspects of photography, 包括编辑照片, and how to manage the environment of a photo shoot. 她还学会了如何与客户合作.

“我喜欢拍摄大自然的照片, so one assignment was to take pictures of nature and edit them and just be creative and see what I came up with,”她说。. “这让我对相机有了感觉.”


“I’ve learned a lot about myself as an artist,” Shelton said. “There were a lot of things I didn’t know that Bernard has taught me. I thought I knew so much about shadowing and lights and color combination. When you edit a photo, you realize what fits and doesn’t go.”

Campbell said he’s watched Shelton’s skills and confidence grow during the internship.

“As we talked about the ability to get the shot at any cost and blend in with the crowd depending on the client’s need or the eye of the artist, she began to understand composition and acquire a level of comfort with crowds while shooting,坎贝尔说。.

继续看着她成长到现在的整理, participating and completing photo shoots and makeup sessions on her own is very satisfying as a mentor,他补充道. “Seeing her accomplish this level of growth within the time of her internship shows an inner strength and a maturity to cultivate relationships.”

Campbell said Shelton’s experiences included seeking photos in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, calculating light in an old Harlem theater in New York, contacting sources for dates and itinerary information for client calendars, and exploring artistic image placement in a church banquet hall. She also was the principal makeup artist on a model portfolio upgrade behind the Philadelphia Art Museum.

“What continues to stand out is the ‘can't stop, won't stop’ attitude concerning her desire to create art,他说. “Whether it’s using the camera or makeup palette or even the paint brush, she loves art and wants to leave her mark somehow.”

Shelton settled on the LAS degree in consultation with her adviser, 帕特丽夏Hillen, assistant director of academic affairs and associate teaching professor of English.

“She talked with me about my career interests and career paths and my options,” Shelton said. “LAS学位对我来说非常有趣.”

海伦说信, 艺术, 与科学 allows students to tailor their own aspirations in a way that may not be available in other degrees.

“LAS对她来说是一个完美的学位,”海伦说. “The interdisciplinary facets of the LAS degree allow Azariah to focus on her creativity, combining her internship in photography with her classes in art and communications and American studies, 把他们都聚集在一起.”

Hillen said that on a Brandywine Global Programs trip to London and Liverpool in 2017, 谢尔顿总是带着她的速写本, capturing her impressions of British and American cultural influences.

“Everyone on the trip knew her as the student with the sketch book,” Hillen said.

Shelton said that through her internship she "learned a lot about my creativity and how I continue to grow as an artist,她以自己过去的经历为基础, include working as a makeup artist at a hair salon. Her interest in art has continued from high school, and she has taken several drawing and painting classes at Brandywine.

After graduation, Shelton hopes to pursue a career in art or photojournalism.

“I know I want to be in the art field,”她说。. “I’ve always wanted to do something with photography. 我知道艺术是一个艰难的领域. 你必须继续工作和建设. 这不是一夜之间发生的事情. But I would love to do something with photojournalism.”

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